
genealogy is a technique developed by nietzschenietzsche
friedrich wilhelm nietzsche (1844-1900) was a philosopher from germany. in 1869, at the age of 24, he became a professor. his first book was The Birth of Tragedy, published in 1872, about greek tra...
in genealogy of moralsgenealogy of morals
zur genealogie der moral: eine streitschrift is a book by nietzsche about the genealogy of morality in christian. It contains three essays.
and later used by michel foucaultmichel foucault
michel foucault was a philosopher who used the technique of genealogy. In technologies of the self, he says

My objective for more than twenty-five years has been to sketch out a history...
. it is concerned with the origin of values and the value of origins. it means neither absolute nor relative/utilitarian values.