cooperative principle

The cooperative principle (Grice's maxims) in pragmaticspragmatics
pragmatics is a field of linguistics that looks at cooperation in language (pragmatism).
is the set of assumptions or directives which undergird conversationconversation

the one seeks a midwife for his thoughts, the other seeks some one whom he can assist: a good conversation thus originates. – nietzsche

Conversation is a Sprachspiel of dialogu...
as an activity of cooperationcooperation
cooperation is when agents work together to achieve a goal.

Reading List

The Evolution of Cooperation explains how it arises in game theory and evolutionary biology.

  1. Be informative.
  2. Be truthful.
  3. Be relevant.
  4. Be clear and brief.

It's easier to see the rules in the transgression. When someone gives a knowingly obtuse answer to a question, lies about something banal, abruptly changes the conversation, or rambles incoherently, we are confused, annoyed, or taken aback.